How to flood or remove your search history on your school Chromebook.
First, you will need copy this:
javascript:var num=prompt(“History flood amount:”);done=false;x=window.location.href;for (var i=1; i<=num; i++){history.pushState(0, 0, i==num?x:i.toString());if(i==num){done=true}}if(done===true){alert(“History flood successful! “+window.location.href+” now appears in your history “+num+(num==1?” time.”:” times. (ajaxdev)”))}
Second, go to the top, click “ Add page” , change name “ Flood history” then , click to the URL delete it and paste the code inside of it, click “ Save”
So when you run bookmarklet, it will flood your history of whatever page you are. If you want it to flood Google docs, flood Youtube,… you can do that, but this post purposes I’m just going to have it flood Google docs since it’s easier click on it history flood amount let’s just do 30 for testing because we don’t want to blow up your computer and we have nothing to hide. Click “Ok”.
It says history flood successful. Click “Ok”. And you can click the 3 dots up history and you can see flooded your history for however many times you chose for it to do.
And I will introduce the second ways. First, go to the App Store on your Ip or Android and search up “ Google Chrome” and download it.
When it’s downloaded just open it and sign in with you school account, make sure to clock the syncs with all of your devices. Let’s search up something random like “”, that up let’s just also do Youtube for an example.
Now we can go to our history, click on it, and you can see I searched up Youtube and Bing.
Go back onto your phone and click 3 dots scroll. Click on “ Recent tabs”.
Show full history and you can see we searched up. All you have to do is click “ Clear browsing data”.
We can do browsing history for the last hour, then click “ Clear browsing data”, clear. Then click “Done”
Now we check our history on our Chromebook. We can see Bing and Youtube are gone. It means this browser clearing method worked in a proof.
I can’t clear my browsing data because it’s managed by admin.
These are 2 effective methods of clearing your browser data on your school Chromebook. Thanks for reading.