Produced and developed by the renowned team behind the hit game Asphalt, Disney Speedstorm is a pinnacle in hero racing games, taking place on high-speed racetracks that draw inspiration from the Disney and Pixar worlds. Your mission is to master the unique skills of each character on the track and emerge victorious in this thrilling arcade racing experience.
Disney Speedstorm brings together a cast of familiar animated characters, including Sulley, Beast, Mickey Mouse, Mulan, Baloo, Captain Jack Sparrow, and more, who participate in fiercely competitive races. Upgrade the stats of each racer and make the most of their unique skills, which can significantly impact the race’s outcome and alter how you play the game.
Anyone can download and play Disney Speedstorm, but mastering the skills and techniques, such as timing your nitro boosts, precise cornering, and adapting to dynamic race environments, is crucial for dominating each race.
Starting your engines and racing through environments inspired by various Disney and Pixar animations, from the Kraken’s port in Pirates of the Caribbean to the wild jungles of The Jungle Book and the spooky floors of Monsters, you can experience these worlds from a fresh and exciting perspective designed specifically for racing.
Currently, Disney Speedstorm is available for free on the Epic Games Store. If you’re interested, download and experience it right now.